The long road to a heart beat

Well as you can see we have a little one on week 7 here and today we heard it's heart beat for the first time. It was so epic!!!

The long road to this monumental day has been one I will never forget, but just in case I have put it down in this blog (hopefully they have blogs in the future when this kid's 16)

Linda and I have been going down a hopeless road for the past 14 years wondering if or when we might have a child in our own. Of course the road started way back when we got married and during all the crazy things we have been through we have stuck it out in the hardest of times. Ramen diners, endless phone jobs, wondering where rent will come from and what is going to happen if we can not make the car payment... type of fears. I recently came across a country song titled "We were legends" by Kelsea Ballerini and it is a song that hold certain meanings to us.  ...
Linda and I have been warriors through it all. It seems just like yesterday I was getting in water fights and getting stranded in Brigham. The road to this amazing heartbeat at the moment has my mind in so many directions. I am so excited but so scared (Normal right?) and yet I am just in pure awe. It gives me the chills to think this little hear beating was not my wife, but something we created together.

Speaking of creating this "little pickle" we have had a crazy ride of IVF. Linda does not ovulate and thus making it hard to get pregnant. Through IVF we had to get out and push so to speak and get it going a different way. Through Comcast (Linda's work) she get's to have 2 transfers of a embryo through her Insurance! - and so the journey began. The journey started with lots of ultra-sounds, and daily injections by yours truly at timed sensitive times. By the way, I hate needles. We had tons of Dr. Visits and Linda had to go under 2 times (one for basic checking, and the second one for egg retrieval) We were blessed with 4 eggs and then they watched them and the leader of the pack was then transferred into Linda.

Then we had to way some time to see if she was pregnant. That day was so stressful but so peaceful. I have been bless with my work to be with her all the way! I know that meeting Steve has been a miracle and a blessing from the Lord. We took a nap that morning back from the U of U center and then the phone call came in... Congratulations!!! I just remember kissing Linda a lot and over joyed of the good news!!

Then the trial of faith as we had to wait for our first check up on week 6, at that ultra-sound the Dr. could not hear a heartbeat and was concerned. But today as we nervously went into the Dr. a pure and innocent miracle occurred!!! A HEARTBEAT!!!!! We have another checkup with our OBGYN and the journey continues. I still have to give her daily injections in the hip with a very long needle, she has been a champion. We always joke... no smack talking us little one - "I got shots every day for 3 months just so you could be here".

The above picture is a snapshot to our morning and a window into our little person and I have to admit it is fun to imagine what it will look like, what it will be.. boy or a girl. We personally feel that it is a Boy but you never know. I would like to pass on the Pilkington name but we will be over joyed regardless. Linda wanted me to keep a journal, and I think I will keep a journal here and a personal one as well.

We still have a long 9 months to go, and I have decided to go forward with faith and trust the Lord on this one. I feel so very blessed right now and just in a whole new world of wonder. Linda is doing well, she has not had any morning sickness, just nausea and cramping (normal) and cravings. Today we had to go get German food, for her she want Bratwurst and mustard. We went to a really good place and she got ones about 2 miles from our house.

I will keep going with this blog and let you all know the updates on this journey. We can say if it is a boy we are naming it Andrew Lynn Pilkington and if it is a Girl, Alora Grace Pilkington (not sure on spelling yet?) Thanks for all the concerns and the prayers, we have had so many wonderful people praying for us and we thank you so so much!!!


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