Vacation to Worry
Hello to all that are following my journey and I want to apologize for my late post. I have been somewhat busy as of late. So after my stay in the hospital I was put on antibiotics and was told to hold off on our supplements and to start again when I am off of them. In the meantime Linda and I decided to take a Anniversary road trip. We dropped off Bella our dog with my sweet sister Laura and then headed to the west coast!!
Linda and I had a blast and made new friends along the way since 2 out of the nights we spent them at AirBNB which for those that don't know, is where people put up rooms for nightly rentals and we book them through a mobile AP. We had a blast and went from Salt Lake to Reno through Sacramento unto San Francisco on our Anniversary day March 30th. We stayed downtown and took the trolley cars and fisherman's wharf and had some amazing clam chowder. Then we headed up to Portland and over to Idaho and back home to pick up Bella and then to Salt Lake City.
I had my follow up appointment with the chiropractor's office and I weigh 397 and Linda lost 4 lbs and is doing great! We are starting back up after the stay in the hospital and then the much needed break.
Then today I went to check on my leg at a wound center that I was referred to and was told that my vienes are bad and have some damaged ones and my leg is swollen because of the bad circulation and my weight. The antibiotics helped the infection in the leg and reduced my fever but not the swelling. So.. I am now wearing a wrapping on my leg for the next couple of weeks until the swelling goes down enough to wear a compression sock. I do not want to alarm any of you that I a might have DTV or Deep Thrombosis Vienes syndrome. The Doctor said that he is treating damaged veins that has caused the Cellulitis and that losing weight is a good thing. I will tell you all more details over the weekend on any clotting issues and the future of my legs.
So I have gone to Vacation to worry and it has shown me that life is only here for a moment and before you know it you are 40 years old and heading into the middle ages so to speak.
Again, I am doing fine and I for sure will keep going and know that I have gone from a 6 XL to 5 XL in shirt size and 4 notches into my belt size, also I have decided to shoot for 350 by my birthday. In parting here is a picture of me by the Bay with San Fran in the background!
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