Here I am in all my glory... this was captured last night at my one 8 days after surgery pic. I will take a picture every week and post it to this blog. My highest weight that I can remember was 455 and it was a real tipping point for me to see that just a little bit more and I was on my way to 500 lbs. That day was a sad day.. that happened to be on my birthday of 2019. I decided to sign up for an App called Noom, to help me with my mind and the mental game of loosing weight. Noom just was not a good fit. Too many tasks to do and to do them daily. I would see a clump of good days checked off and then a ton of days not checked off. And before I knew it, I was so behind that I just said.. screw it. That started a journey to finding a new course of correction and one that would in my mind yield better results. My wife works for Comcast and she has great benefits, one of them is weight loss surgery option for her or a spouse. So I said I will go and learn more about this and then ma...
Showing posts from December, 2020